Research Project

A survey of teachers, principals and parents of students who are learning to code and/or control robots.

Research Project undertaken to fulfil the requirements of a Masters Degree in Technology and Learning Design

by: Sean Grant [Student No. J00047096]

The purpose of this research is to reflect on the current delivery of the coding and robotics curriculum in public schools in South Africa and seeks to understand how we can improve the system, which is troublesome, to say the least.

While there are numerous coding solutions such as online courses, physical computer and virtual simulators available to schools with budgets, these resources tend to be unaffordable and unobtainable for impoverished and under-resourced public schools. This study will focus on the state of coding and robotics in these schools.

Participants are invited to complete one or more of the surveys posted at the link below, according to your role as you relate to learners who engaged in coding or robotics.

A survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete.

An interview will take 45 minutes, using the same questions as a guideline for the discussion.